Why we are called Zebras

The Zebra shows that not everyone with EDS is the same we all have stripes but not everyone's stripes are the same
We are the zebras in the medical world because we are all so different.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Why i have started this and how i was diagnosed

I have had many problems in my life. As a child i always had alot of pain in my knees and problems with them going out of place. I was always very flexiable (at least i thought that is what it was). As a child all i every wanted to eat (meat wise) was bologna or hotdogs i always complained that any other meat hurt my stomach. At the age of 9 and on i was constantly complaing my back hurt. At the age 12 i started getting migraines and dizzy spells. At 18 i started becoming weak and also was pregnant with my child which caused me to have ALOT of rib pain. at the age of 20 year 2006 it just all went down hill  my stomach really started to give me alot of trouble i could harldly eat anything so i went through multiple test to rule out every thing upper GI lower Gi drinking beruim having x rays, ultasounds,cts,and more and more test. My joints started dislocating my muscles started giving out i was having major migraines my cheast started hurting and it fills like i will never be out of pain. These are symptoms that started it all. Here is a small time line of the years and ages of what i can remember i also have asthma, i bruise easy, i have regurtation of the heart, and just a lot of pain

As far as i can remember i have hyperextened (flexible beyond normal joints) 
AGE 12  Scoliosis 

Age 12 dislocating Knees
AGE 14 hypoglacema and migraines
AGE 19 migraines again and IBS
Age  21 gallbladder removed
Age 21 Carpaltunnel
Age 22 EDS
Age 22 Fibromaliga

Work :

Work has been affected alot through the years i have got done with alot of jobs cause my back could not handel them or i was just to weak or ran down i have held my job with wal-mart the longest but it has gotton to the point wher in 2007 i was getting coached for calling out or going home early, then i got a intermitten FMLA and that kept me from getting fired and i had to use it at least once or twice a month then since i got my new one her in 2010 i have been having to call out once or twice a week the pain has got worse and i just dont know how much longer i can hold on 

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