Why we are called Zebras

The Zebra shows that not everyone with EDS is the same we all have stripes but not everyone's stripes are the same
We are the zebras in the medical world because we are all so different.

Monday, November 15, 2010


I talked to a disabilty lawyer today and they say i got a case i will be talking to them more Tomorrow about starting my application will give you up dates Please if you are Friends or family with me read the family friends tab on my blog

Saturday, November 13, 2010

EDS support group

Tonight was awesome i went to a support group for EDS and learned alot it was mainly asking a doctor questions and well i might very well have P.O.T.S Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) i need to talk to my doctor about it i have the signs of it. i also think that i might have a disorder where it takes my stomach longer to digest food than the average person and well it all comes with EDS if you want to know more about POTS go to http://www.dinet.org/pots_an_overview.htm. it was just so awesome to  sit in a room with more ppl like me i dont fell like such a freak now. but i also got a chance to talk to the doctor that my daughter will being seeing to find out if she has EDS i also think that i found out why i keep headaches its funny how research doctors and other ppl with eds can make all the pieces to my life just make since a little more  if anyone has any questions or concerrns about my EDS please ask me so that i can ask a doctor.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

dont know what to do keep pushing myself or just give up and face the facts

I keep forcing myself everyday to just make it the days that i know i want make it past the first hour of work yeah i call in but it is getting harder and harder to make myself make it through even one day of work the first two hours of work my ribs were burning and i became very grumpy the next two hour the pain got so bad that i was very nauseous and just did not want to be bothered then when my last break came i just wanted to collapse my last two hours i got very lucky and noticed the stool that was sitting behind the service desk and i sat down for the last two hours yeah management saw me  they asked me what was wrong i told them and surprisingly they left it at that finally it was time to go home so i got up and drug myself to the back and punched out and drove the long painful drive now i am sitting at home wanting to get up and get food so i can take my percocet and just go to bed but i can not get the motivation all i can do is think to myself can i really make it threw another day of work i want to stay so that i can try to give my family a good Christmas but on the other hand i am so scared i am going to force my self way to hard and not be able to spend that time with my daughter cause i am going to end up killing my self working she is my life and all i want is to see a smile on her face Christmas day when she sees that Santa did come if anyone has any advice please don't be afraid just tell me i don't know what to do

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Scared - cheast pain

I dont know what to do i dont want to go to the stupid ER again but i had to call out because the pain in my rib is so bad i am throwing up i took my percocet and it is barely starting to touch the pain but now i am sitting here having chest pain i am dizzy and light headed has anyone that also has EDS ever had chest pain and how bad i have had it before but it was caused from my xiphoid being dislocated i am wondering if it is the same case it scares me but i know it is not a heart attack the pain is dull and very painful but i don't know about  sharp and it is not affecting my left arm i would greatly appreciate if some one would respond to this.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


I was at work tonight when i bent over and heard a loud pop and i was in so much pain i could not get out of the bending position my Ribs hurt so bad well my support manager sent me home i got home and had my aunt take me to the hospital well after sitting around for 2 hours the doctor comes in and says i neverr seen nothing like it but you were right you have a rib dislocated it is the 11th one on the left side he gave me perks and recomened that i go see a ortopedic pain specialist i cant wait to get insurance cause this is getting so depressing i can not stand it it is all to much way to overbearing and i need help from a specialist not just my family doctor and the ER if anyone one wants to know more just write me please i am more than willing to talk about it honestly it helps alot just to be able to talk about and get some of the  frustrating thoughts out of my head

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

11-03-2010 5:19pm

Today was pretty good i went and seen some family but now my body wants to just come crashing down i only got MAYBE MAYBE 30min of sleep my pain level was so high that all i could do is throw up. I really hope tonight will not be the same way my ribs are hurting along with my back. My ribs are out of place and also my left knee. but i am so drug down that i can barely do anything. my shoulder is sublaxing and i just fell BLAH. along with frustrated i want to see my doctor.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

11-02-2010 9:12pm

Here it is 9:12pm i am hurting so much i was sitting and creating this blogger account and i guess i sat way to 10 mg cause now every joint hurts and my ribs are grinding against each other it hurts so bad i took my
vicodin 10 and 2 tramadol neither is helping at all i can not wait to see my doctor and get into a specialist to actually try to get something that works my doctor put me on the highest dose of Vicodin and not working anymore my ribs are out my left knee is also out i just do not know what to do anymore i pray to god i get insurance soon i cant take it any more!!!!!! and i would love to get into a support group cause my emotional level with this is really starting to come crashing down and i mean really quick