Why we are called Zebras

The Zebra shows that not everyone with EDS is the same we all have stripes but not everyone's stripes are the same
We are the zebras in the medical world because we are all so different.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

11-02-2010 9:12pm

Here it is 9:12pm i am hurting so much i was sitting and creating this blogger account and i guess i sat way to 10 mg cause now every joint hurts and my ribs are grinding against each other it hurts so bad i took my
vicodin 10 and 2 tramadol neither is helping at all i can not wait to see my doctor and get into a specialist to actually try to get something that works my doctor put me on the highest dose of Vicodin and not working anymore my ribs are out my left knee is also out i just do not know what to do anymore i pray to god i get insurance soon i cant take it any more!!!!!! and i would love to get into a support group cause my emotional level with this is really starting to come crashing down and i mean really quick

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