Why we are called Zebras

The Zebra shows that not everyone with EDS is the same we all have stripes but not everyone's stripes are the same
We are the zebras in the medical world because we are all so different.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Scared - cheast pain

I dont know what to do i dont want to go to the stupid ER again but i had to call out because the pain in my rib is so bad i am throwing up i took my percocet and it is barely starting to touch the pain but now i am sitting here having chest pain i am dizzy and light headed has anyone that also has EDS ever had chest pain and how bad i have had it before but it was caused from my xiphoid being dislocated i am wondering if it is the same case it scares me but i know it is not a heart attack the pain is dull and very painful but i don't know about  sharp and it is not affecting my left arm i would greatly appreciate if some one would respond to this.

1 comment:

  1. I will respond but I dont know how I can help. We miss you up here. Wish that soon all would be better so you can enjoy life and do what you wanna do with your family and your little princess...and of course friends! Love you ~Carleen
