Why we are called Zebras

The Zebra shows that not everyone with EDS is the same we all have stripes but not everyone's stripes are the same
We are the zebras in the medical world because we are all so different.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

EDS support group

Tonight was awesome i went to a support group for EDS and learned alot it was mainly asking a doctor questions and well i might very well have P.O.T.S Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) i need to talk to my doctor about it i have the signs of it. i also think that i might have a disorder where it takes my stomach longer to digest food than the average person and well it all comes with EDS if you want to know more about POTS go to http://www.dinet.org/pots_an_overview.htm. it was just so awesome to  sit in a room with more ppl like me i dont fell like such a freak now. but i also got a chance to talk to the doctor that my daughter will being seeing to find out if she has EDS i also think that i found out why i keep headaches its funny how research doctors and other ppl with eds can make all the pieces to my life just make since a little more  if anyone has any questions or concerrns about my EDS please ask me so that i can ask a doctor.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know where else to leave this comment but I love the zebra picture on your blog!
